Paul Zaloom with Bread and Puppet Theater.
Thanks to the hundreds of grown-up puppet fans who came out to see Paul Zaloom's outrageous political comedy WHITE LIKE ME: A HONKY DORY PUPPET SHOW.
Want to continue the conversation?
Our community partners from the White People Challenging Racism Course and Community Change, Inc. shared with us this list of almost 90 racial justice organizations from across Greater Boston who are doing great work in our community. WOW!
TAKE ACTION! Sign up for a class, get involved, make a donation, and do your part to support racial justice in our community.
See you after the Presidential election for our next Puppets at Night show, AN EXISTENTIAL SING-ALONG!
BOSTON EDUCATION JUSTICE ALLIANCE. The founding local chapter of the Mass Education Justice Alliance, BEJA is a coalition of students, educators, parents, school staff, and concerned community members committed to building a stronger and better public school system that is driven by community voices.
BOSTON STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL. BSAC advocates for and protects the voices of students in BPS by empowering the student body to express their opinions regarding education reform and ensuring that students are included in decision and policy making that impacts their lives and educational experiences.
BOSTON TEACHER ACTION GROUP. TAG is a coalition of educators from greater Boston who believe education is essential to human liberation. They are committed to working alongside youth and other members of the community to dismantle oppressive practices in schools and society. TAG is part of a national coalition of grassroots teacher organizing groups. They engage in shared political education and relationship building in order to work for educational justice both nationally and in local communities.
CITIZENS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS promote, preserve and protect public schools and public education.
COMMUNITY CHANGE, INC. Since 1968, Community Change Inc. has served as a community for white people and their multiracial allies to come together to learn about systemic racism and to fight against it. Now Black-led under the leadership of Shay Stewart-Bouley, CCI is shifting into the role of a legacy organization supporting the work of emerging white anti-racist activists as well as established groups organizing within the greater Boston area.
White Privilege Conference. WPC is a conference that examines challenging concepts of privilege and oppression and offers solutions and team building strategies to work toward a more equitable world. It is designed to examine issues of privilege beyond skin color. WPC is open to everyone and invites diverse perspectives to provide a comprehensive look at issues of privilege including: race, gender, sexuality, class, disability, etc. — the ways we all experience some form of privilege, and how we’re all affected by that privilege.
PAPER CITY is a documentary and education program provided for free to help youth, educators, and advocates counteract the school-to-prison pipeline by combining City Year's graduation pipeline model with the Help Increase the Peace Project model for peace education.
POSSE FOUNDATION. Rooted in the belief that a small, diverse group of talented students—a Posse—carefully selected and trained, can serve as a catalyst for increased individual and community development in our increasingly multicultural society.
BOSTON MAYOR’S YOUTH COUNCIL. The Mayor's Youth Council provides Boston's young people with an active role in addressing youth issues. High school juniors and seniors are selected to serve as volunteer representatives of every neighborhood in the city. The young advocates reach out to Boston teens, inform them of existing opportunities, and listen to suggestions on what the city can do to improve its youth oriented efforts.
BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF BOSTON works to ensure all young people in our community have the opportunity to realize their full potential. Members develop critical thinking, physical, social, technological, artistic, and life skills by participating in interactive activities intentionally designed to support their development and overall well-being. Volunteers may support youth with homework, assist in program areas with the daily activity, coach, or help with administrative tasks, to list just a few areas where volunteers can get involved.
THE CENTER FOR TEEN EMPOWERMENT is a youth organizing and social change program that has sites in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Somerville, MA, and in Rochester, NY. At each site, Teen Empowerment hires a group of youth, ages 14-21, and trains them as community organizers, providing them with the support, resources, and ongoing training they need to organize initiatives that involve both youth and adults in addressing community issues.
DIAMOND EDUCATORS MENTORING INC. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving student performance of those youth in low-income neighborhoods and families. DEMI believes that all youth/students must be given opportunities and encouragement to succeed in life.
ENROOT empowers immigrant youth in Cambridge to achieve academic, career, and personal success through inspiring out-of-school experiences.
HYDE SQUARE TASK FORCE. Based in Jamaica Plain, HSTF develops the skills of youth and their families so they are empowered to enhance their own lives and build a strong and vibrant urban community. Uses theater and the arts for community engagement and hosts a “Paths to College and Careers Program.”
MASSACHUSETTS ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN is dedicated to being an independent and effective voice for children who face significant barriers to equal educational and life opportunities. MAC works to overcome these barriers by changing conditions for many children, while also helping one child at a time.
MASS MENTORING PARTNERSHIP. Based in Boston, MMP is fueling the movement to expand empowering youth-adult relationships across Massachusetts. MMP serves more than 250 mentoring and youth development programs statewide supporting more than 33,000 youth in mentoring relationships.
NOTRE DAME EDUCATION CENTER in South Boston, founded in 1992 by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, is a comprehensive adult education center, providing a diverse, caring community in which students are empowered to develop their full potential as scholars, workers and citizens.
ROCA. Founded in 1988, Roca is an outcomes-driven organization dedicated to transforming the lives of the most high-risk young people ages 17-24 (street, court, and gang-involved; drop-outs; young parents). Roca combines relentless outreach with data-driven evaluation to produce consistent, positive outcomes for young people in the Greater Boston area, including the communities of Chelsea, Revere, Everett, Boston, and East Boston, as well as Springfield.
SOCIEDAD LATINA is a citywide organization that focuses on supporting the unmet needs of youth and families from Boston’s Latino and Mission Hill/Roxbury communities. Since 1968, Sociedad Latina has worked in partnership with youth and families to create the next generation of Latino leaders who are confident, competent, self-sustaining and proud of their cultural heritage.
UTEC's mission and promise is to ignite and nurture the ambition of Lowell's most disconnected young people to trade violence and poverty for social and economic success. UTEC is the result of an organizing movement driven by young people to develop their own teen center in response to gang violence. UTEC serves young people from both Lowell and Lawrence, MA.
The YMCA provides pre-school & after-school opportunities for children of all means, as well as teen leadership programs and a place that cares for all. There are local Ys throughout the Boston area, the nation, and the world.
STRATEGIES FOR YOUTH is a policy and training organization dedicated to improving police/youth interactions through community engagement, police training, outreach programs for youth, and proactive use of multi-disciplinary approaches to problem solve and build relationships between police and youth.
The YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROJECT uses Math Literacy Work to develop the abilities of elementary through high school students to succeed in school and in life.
The YOUTH ADVOCACY FOUNDATION works to vigorously defend the rights and promote the well-being of court-involved children to help them grow into healthy and productive members of our society.
The mission of YOUTHBUILD BOSTON is to empower and assist underserved young people from the Boston area with the essential social, vocational, academic, and life skills necessary to navigate a positive pathway to self-sufficiency and neighborhood responsibility. YouthBuild uses entrepreneurship and experiential learning to ignite the potential of youth in under-resourced communities and equip them for high school, college and career success.
YOUTH ON BOARD. Since 1994, Youth on Board (YOB) has been a leader in the field of youth organizing in the Boston area and beyond. YOB is a youth-led, adult supported organization where young people of color have the space and tools to recognize and utilize the power they hold to dismantle political and economic structures that reinforce inequity. We believe in the power of students to transform their communities by recognizing that when young people are fully engaged—when their voices are heard, their opinions matter, and their unique perspective is respected—they commit themselves to making their schools, their communities, and their own lives better.
CITIZENS FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE is the only independent, non-profit, statewide organization working exclusively to improve the juvenile justice system in Massachusetts. CfJJ advocates, convenes, conducts research, and educates the public on important juvenile justice issues.
CONCORD PRISON OUTREACH is a non-profit organization committed to helping people in prison through educational programming. We work cooperatively with the Massachusetts Department of Correction to implement effective programs that teach valuable skills. We recruit, train, and support volunteers and are specifically seeking tutors to help people in prison obtain their high school equivalency diploma.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY COALITION is a member-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of effective, just, and humane criminal justice policy in Massachusetts.
The EDLAW PROJECT is dedicated to ensuring that Massachusetts’ highest risk children receive a quality education and avoid the school-to-prison pipeline.
FAMILIES AGAINST MANDATORY MINIMUMS is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization fighting for smart sentencing laws that protect public safety. It seeks a country where criminal sentencing is individualized, humane, and sufficient to impose fair punishment and protect public safety.
The mission of MOTHERS FOR JUSTICE AND EQUALITY is to end neighborhood violence. By empowering our members to be effective change-makers, we reclaim the identity of our communities and restore a sense of hope and purpose for our children.
BLACK LIVES MATTER – CAMBRIDGE is part of the movement to end structural racism both locally, nationally and internationally.
BLACK LIVES MATTER – BOSTON remains committed to being active in the movement against racist policing and police violence both locally and nationally.
CITY LIFE / VIDA URBANA is a 40-year-old bilingual, community organization whose mission is to fight for racial, social and economic justice and gender equality by building working class power through direct action, coalition building, education and advocacy. Currently working against evictions, CL/VU views the current displacement crisis as an issue of racial equity, as well as economic and housing justice.
HALEY HOUSE uses food and the power of community to break down barriers between people, transfer new skills, and revitalize neighborhoods. It believes in radical solutions: solving problems at their root by challenging attitudes that perpetuate suffering and by building alternative models.
MASSACHUSETTS IMMIGRANT & REFUGEE ADVOCACY COALITION is the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees. MIRA serves the Commonwealth's one million foreign-born residents with policy analysis and advocacy, institutional organizing, training and leadership development, strategic communications, citizenship assistance.
The non-profit, non-partisan PRISON POLICY INITIATIVE produces cutting edge research to expose the broader harm of mass criminalization, and then sparks advocacy campaigns to create a more just society.
SURJ BOSTON is a local chapter of Showing Up For Racial Justice, a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability. We work to connect people across the country while supporting and collaborating with local and national racial justice organizations.
Knapsack Anti-Racism MeetUp is a multiracial group committed to challenging the system of racism in the United States and the world. We engage in dialogue, build community, and support the efforts of racial justice leaders and organizations. We are dedicated to the struggle for shared liberation. Knapsack is a program of Community Change Inc.
White People Challenging Racism: Moving from Talk to Action (WPCR) brings people together to examine white privilege and racism in order to galvanize them to anti-racist action. Our mission is to provide people with tools and resources to challenge and change attitudes and actions that perpetuate racism. While our focus is on white people’s role in dismantling racism, our courses are open to everyone who is committed to achieving racial justice. It is a five-part workshop consists of weekly two-hour meetings over the course of five weeks. Other time configurations are being developed. WPCR is a program of Community Change Inc.
Anti-Racism Collaborative (ARC). We are a multi-racial collective of anti-oppression educators and activists committed to the movement for racial justice. Through our courses, workshops, and community building, we cultivate opportunities that provide participants with experiences along an arch of growth. Their journey in our programs will change their world view, opening them to a clear action oriented process for directing their energy to dismantle injustices. ARC offers courses and workshops, including the 5-week courses: Confronting Systemic Racism and Racial Justice Activism
Black & Pink (B&P) is an open family of LGBTQ prisoners and “free world” allies who support each other. Our work toward the abolition of the prison industrial complex is rooted in the experience of currently and formerly incarcerated people. We are outraged by the specific violence of the prison industrial complex against LGBTQ people, and respond through advocacy, education, direct service, and organizing. Black & Pink is a national organization with a Boston chapter. B&P Boston welcomes new volunteers to get involved and/or assist with mail processing at multiple times and locations each week.
Wholeness Beyond Whiteness seeks to create a space for White people in racial justice work to deepen their sense of rootedness in the work. Our goal is to help enable White people to get past the fears of risk that hold us back from full commitment to racial justice by focusing on how shame functions as a tool of White supremacy and thus how shame resilience is necessary for White racial justice organizers, as well as the ways that perception fundamentally shapes the way we come into racial justice organizing spaces. If you’re interested in receiving emails about opportunities to participate in a workshop and community of practice
fill out this form:
Boston Mobilization. Our work continues to be developing the next generation of social justice leaders, through our powerful trainings, our community organizing campaign work, our mentorship of young leaders and our transformational youth programs. We support teen leadership for action, organizing and social justice education in and out of schools in greater Boston. If you’re a young person interested in racial justice, there are great ways to get involved.
Camberville Accomplices. If you live in Cambridge/Somerville and are interested in signing up for an emerging community of predominantly White folks fighting to end White supremacy in our cities, please sign up here and more information will be forthcoming in the near future. You can sign up here:
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.
826 Boston. We support the writing and literacy needs of students in Roxbury's Egleston Square and beyond
Resist. Resist is a foundation that supports people's movements for justice and liberation. We redistribute resources back to frontline communities at the forefront of change while amplifying their stories of building a better world.
act-ma is a progressive, Massachusetts moderated e-mail list for activists to announce area events & resources, as well as issue action alerts, job announcements & periodic updates.
Alternatives for Community & Environment. ACE builds the power of communities of color and low-income communities in Massachusetts to eradicate environmental racism and classism, create healthy, sustainable communities, and achieve environmental justice.
The Boston Racial Justice and Equity Initiative is a group of organizations, professionals, and community members that are committed to building a healthy community by increasing racial equity in employment, education, housing, and health care, among other opportunities, and by working for racial justice.
Belmont Against Racism (BAR) is a community-action, all-volunteer organization addressing issues of racism and prejudice by following the slogan, think globally, act locally. We focus on fostering awareness and educating the community about exclusionary practices, creating a welcoming community for all, and increasing diversity throughout the town. While BAR, in its first decade, mostly focused on addressing racism, we have broadened our mission to include all problems of prejudice that impact our town and local community.
The Boston Racial Justice and Equity Initiative is a group of organizations, professionals, and community members that are committed to building a healthy community by increasing racial equity in employment, education, housing, and health care, among other opportunities, and by working for racial justice.
Haymarket People’s Fund is an anti-racist and multi-cultural foundation that is committed to strengthening the movement for social justice in New England. Through grantmaking, fundraising and capacity building, we support grassroots organizations that address the root causes of injustice. Haymarket also organizes to increase sustainable community philanthropy throughout our region.
Hispanic Black Gay Coalition (HBGC) is one of few non-profit organizations in Boston dedicated to the unique and complex needs of the Black, Hispanic and Latin@ LGBTQ community. Founded in 2009, we work to inspire and empower Latin@, Hispanic and Black LGBTQ individuals to improve their livelihood through activism, education, community outreach, and counseling.
Jobs Not Jail is a statewide coalition to redirect costly prison spending towards jobs, training and support for Massachusetts' lowest income communities. Our three goals are to reform criminal justice in Massachusetts, Stop All New Prison Construction, Re-Direct $2 Billion to Create Job Opportunities.
Media Literacy Now is a national grassroots organization seeking state-by-state education policy change to ensure that all children learn comprehensive media literacy and digital citizenship skills. MLN is working with advocates in 17 states to elevate media literacy education as a legislative priority. Media Literacy Now provides policy and advocacy information, expertise, and resources to develop state laws to implement media literacy education in schools.
The Mission Institute provides individuals, congregations and communities with innovative learning opportunities that nurture leaders, advance spiritual growth, and support the flourishing of just, healthy societies. Acknowledging the strengths of diversity and collaboration, the Mission Institute strives to be a platform through which people can access a rich array of resources that fuel transformational ministry. The Mission Institute was founded in 2013 through a collaboration between the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, the Episcopal Divinity School, and Episcopal City Mission.
Rootstrong is an organization focused on excellence in multicultural leadership education and development. Our mission is to provide resources, experiences, and development opportunities to promote equity, social justice and excellence through leadership. Having derived great strength, guidance and inspiration from one’s family, community, and/or personal history.
One Thousand Arms hosts retreats and workshops, and provides consulting services, on how white people can use meditation as a tool in our work to dismantle racism.
Youth Equity Stewardship (YES!) is an arts-based, experiential and inter-generational process of transformational stewardship of our school communities.
Welcome 2 Reality, LLC, a Connecticut-based company founded by social workers, provides services to children and families that incorporating their knowledge of human behavior and the need for attachment to help young people achieve a healthy balance between fantasy and reality.
Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED). The National SEED ProjectSM is a peer-led professional development program that creates conversational communities to drive personal, organizational, and societal change toward greater equity and diversity.
Union of Minority Neighborhoods (UMN). UMN’s mission is to ensure that trained, committed grassroots leaders of color effectively organize on issues of concern in their communities, their regions, and the nation. UMN’s vision is to create a unifying force to address the threats to our civil liberties and to end discriminatory policies and practices that limit our access to political, economic and social power.
YouthWorks is a state-funded youth employment program that helps teens and young adults get the skills and experience needed to find and keep jobs. Participants take part in paid short-term work placements during the summer and/or school year at public, private and nonprofit worksites.
The Essex County Community Organization (ECCO) is a congregation based community organization on the North Shore of Massachusetts. Since 1981, ECCO’s organizing has brought about significant improvements for our communities in job training, health care, youth development, housing, and safety.
Massachusetts Communities Action Network (MCAN) is a network of faith-based community organizations in MA working for economic and racial justice. We are inspired by our faith traditions’ deep and enduring call to justice.
United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation. Our powerful nonpartisan network is made up of over 100,000 immigrant youth and allies and 55 affiliate organizations in 26 states. We organize and advocate for the dignity and fair treatment of immigrant youth and families, regardless of immigration status.
Not In Our Town is a movement to stop hate, address bullying, and build safe, inclusive communities for all. Not In Our Town films, new media, and organizing tools help local leaders build vibrant, diverse cities and towns, where everyone can participate.
No Place for Hate® is an initiative of the Anti-Defamation League offered free to schools. The initiative is designed to rally the entire school around the goal of creating a welcoming community committed to stopping all forms of bias and bullying. No Place For Hate® provides a unique framework to incorporate new and existing programs with one consistent message. No Place For Hate® can help your school foster a culture of respect and create a safe, bully-free learning environment for students at all grade levels.
World of Wellesley is dedicated to making Wellesley, Massachusetts a welcoming community where diversity is celebrated. In partnership with many local institutions and organizations, we organize events, projects, and programs that emphasize the value in exploring our many cultures, religions, and ways of life.
Winchester Multicultural Network. Our mission is to promote the recognition, understanding, and appreciation of diversity, advocate for each and every person’s civil rights and confront intolerance.
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond focuses on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone. Our workshops utilize a systemic approach that emphasizes learning from history, developing leadership, maintaining accountability to communities, creating networks, undoing internalized racial oppression and understanding the role of organizational gate keeping as a mechanism for perpetuating racism.
VISIONS: Vigorous InterventionS Into Ongoing Natural Settings. Our vision is to be a catalyst for a more equitable world where differences are valued and used for the benefit of all.
Hard Conversations: An Introduction to Racism. This is a month-long online seminar program hosted by authors, speakers, and social justice activists Patti Digh and Victor Lee Lewis, who was featured in the documentary film, The Color of Fear, with help from a community of people who want and are willing to help us understand the reality of racism by telling their stories and sharing their resources.
The Cambridge Center for Adult Education provides high-quality educational opportunities for the diverse adults of Greater Boston including such courses as White People Challenging Racism and Black & White Women: Reconciling Our Past, Re-Defining Our Future.
CrossRoads: Antiracism Organizing & Training. Our mission is to dismantle systemic racism and build antiracist multicultural diversity within institutions and communities implemented primarily by training institutional transformation teams.
The National Coalition Building Institute is an international non-profit leadership development network dedicated to the elimination of racism and other forms of oppression. Rooted in an understanding of individual, community, and systemic change, NCBI leaders work with public and private organizations to further cultural competence, collaboration and partnerships, and effective relationships within and across group identities.
Anti Defamation League's A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute recognizes that attitudes and beliefs affect actions, and that each of us can have an impact on others, and ultimately, on the world in which we live.
Everyday Democracy: Ideas and Tools for Community Change. Communities of every size and demographic need routine opportunities for people of many backgrounds to dialogue with each other and with public officials, have a voice in decision making, and work together for stronger communities.
Training for Change. Since 1992 Training for Change has been committed to increasing capacity around the world for activist training. When we say activist training, we mean training that helps groups stand up more effectively for justice, peace and the environment. We deliver skills directly that people working for social change can use in their daily work. We call our particular approach the direct education approach.
World Trust Educational Services is a non-profit social justice organization that provides deep learning, tools and resources for people interested in tackling unconscious bias and systemic racial inequity in their workplace, community and in their lives. Since 1998, we’ve produced equity and diversity films, curriculum and workshops that deepen the conversation about race.
The National Race Amity Conference offers participants positive, focused opportunities for intimate discussion circles, interactive panels, and informative sessions on a variety of topics central to the main theme of race amity in the United States. Boston, MA November 17 - 19, 2016.
The Kingston Bay Group has experience at all levels of P-12 and Higher Education, and our work has always centered on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice. The Kingston Bay Group is dedicated to providing the coaching, consulting, and search services you need to support your organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals.
Project Implicit is a non-profit organization and international collaboration between researchers who are interested in implicit social cognition - thoughts and feelings outside of conscious awareness and control. The goal of the organization is to educate the public about hidden biases and to provide a “virtual laboratory” for collecting data on the Internet.
Implicit Attitudes Test:
Racial Equity Tools is an online library contains 1,600+ resources, including concepts, data, plans, strategies and curricula.
Rethinking Schools is a national publisher of educational materials, including a blog, and monthly online and print magazine, that help educators and others understand and address inequities in public education, with an emphasis on urban schools and issues of race.